Hello Guys,
I discover your website while learning and looking for some resource for windev, webdev and windev mobile. I was impress by the work done. I used to work in the Hotels some time and I saw many application running with many many difficulties that some seem to be resolved into alpha360. I would like to know if someone is willing to extend, customize this product to conquer the US market (I live in Maryland). This is just a vague idea but it could be the idea.
I know there is many stuff to do but let start somewhere, I would like to have contact for the full demo. For now it is too big therefore, watching is good but I would like to see how adaptable, flexible is the app and how to make it work for us.
Note: I don't have no money, I am employee like you maybe and, I don't intend to stay such as.
my email belkassem@gmail.com
Thanks to reply if you think we can work together in the future.